Terms & Conditions

Version: 18. october 2021

The following terms and conditions set out the relationship between greatastromatcher (“greatastromatcher ", "us", "our", "we") and its customers ("you") when you subscribe to and use the greatastromatcher Service (defined below), whether through a mobile device or computer.

If you are under the age of 18 years old, you are not allowed to use the Service. You can only use the Service for your personal use - commercial use is not permitted.

By registering to or using the greatastromatcher Service, you agree to be bound by (i) these General Terms and Conditions of Use; and (ii) the contractual terms which apply if you purchase additional features, products or services offered to you as part of the Service (such as a Premium Membership) (collectively, the "Subscription Terms").

You acknowledge that we offer our Service in different countries (you can see the list of these countries on our website) and, as such, you acknowledge that the information included in your profile will be visible to our members in all of these countries. You will also be able to search for a partner in any of these countries, not just your own country.

You also understand that we will use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy (see Clause 4 below).

If you do not agree to be bound by all the Subscription Terms, you will not be able to register for, or use, the Service.

1. Object of your Subscription

1.1 Once you have signed up for an account, greatastromatcher will provide you with access to an online database over which you will be able to get know other greatastromatcher registered customers (also known as members) (the “ greatastromatcher Service” or “Service”). The greatastromatcher Service can only be accessed via the Internet; and the Service includes some services that are free and some that are chargeable.

1.2 The online database provided by greatastromatcher contains "profiles" about greatastromatcher members, which contain photos and information made available by those members. You can find more information about the types of personal information that are collected and how this information is made available to other members in our Privacy Policy (see Clause 4 below). You can see on our website those countries in which greatastromatcher offers its Service; and it is possible for our members to search for and contact other members in any of the countries in which we operate.

1.3 Please be aware that while we hope that by using our Service you will successfully meet and form a relationship with another greatastromatcher member, we cannot guarantee that your use of the Service will result in matrimony or any other long-term or meaningful commitment. We are not and do not act as a wedding agency in relation to our Service.

2. Access of the Service and Conclusion of your Subscription

2.1 To access and use the greatastromatcher Service you will need to register. To do this, you will need to provide an email address and a password of your choice. Once you have registered, you will be automatically allocated a "profile ID” (a pseudonym) and a "service password" by greatastromatcher, which will be emailed to you.

2.2 Once you have successfully registered, you will be able to access our free-of-charge Service (also called “Basic Membership”). Your use of this Service will be subject to the terms set out in these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

2.3 At this stage, greatastromatcher will also offer to you various services or features that are subject to a fee. Before you sign up to purchase such services or features, we will provide you with further information about what you will be purchasing, for example, where applicable: the main characteristics of the services or features, the term of your subscription (including any extension), how to terminate your subscription, the price and any payment conditions. If you want to upgrade your membership by choosing a membership that is subject to a fee ("Premium Membership") you acknowledge that by pressing the “Upgrade” button, you will have confirmed that you want to purchase the Premium Membership that you have selected. Our contractual relationship for that Premium Membership will be confirmed on the date that greatastromatcher sends you an e-mail confirmation of your order.

3. Free-of-Charge and Chargeable Services

3.1 It is free to register for the greatastromatcher Service and to get our free membership (“Basic Membership”). Once you have registered, you will be asked to answer a questionnaire about yourself. Your profile will then be included into the greatastromatcher database.

3.2 If you purchase a Premium Membership, you can use other functionalities, which are available only to Premium members.

3.3 As described above, greatastromatcher may also provide you with additional services, which will be subject to a fee as displayed on our website.

3.4 We may change the Service: (i) to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or (ii) to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a security threat (however, these changes will not affect your use of the Service). In addition, although we provide a description of our Service on our website, we may change the main characteristics of our Service from time to time. However, if we do this, we will notify you and you may then contact us to end your subscription before the changes take effect (and, in relation to a Premium Membership, you will receive a refund for the part of the service you have paid for but not received because of the earlier termination of your subscription).

3.5 Please be aware that although we aim to make the greatastromatcher Service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we cannot guarantee that the Service will be available 100% of the time. Our Service availability may be reduced due to any downtime which is due to maintenance and software updates, as well as any periods during which the Service is unavailable via the Internet due to technical or other problems that are beyond greatastromatcher's control. In order to be able to use the greatastromatcher Service fully, you should use up-to-date (browser) technologies on your mobile device or computer (e.g. enable Java script, cookies, pop-ups). If you use an older operating system or internet service provider, you may find that you only have limited access to the greatastromatcher Service.

4. Use (incl. for advertising purposes), Transfer and Transmission of Data

4.1 You can find further information about how we use your personal information and what our obligations are in relation to data protection in our Privacy Policy.

4.2 greatastromatcher constantly strives to protect you from harassment such as hacker attacks, spam or romance scamming. To this end, greatastromatcher has developed numerous technical and organisational standards. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with greatastromatcher’s security tips before using the greatastromatcher service and to follow these tips and the user guidelines in Clause 7 below. If greatastromatcher’s "Trust and Safety Team" contacts you in the event of anomalies, you are obliged to cooperate with and respond to immediately if such a request is made. If we recommend actions, you should seriously considered them and not reject them without serious cause. You should also report problematic content or behaviour to us through the function “suspicious profile?”.

5. Liability of greatastromatcher

5.1 You are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided during your registration. To the fullest extent permitted by law, greatastromatcher will not be liable for the accuracy of your results to the greatastromatcher compatibility quiz, or for the content of your personality evaluation and the matches made to you by greatastromatcher as a result of your answers. If you need to update your profile or registration information, you can generally do this at any time through your profile. However, there is some information that can only be updated by contacting us using the details in Clause 16 (and this will be clear to you at the time).

5.2 greatastromatcher is only responsible for the technical provision of the greatastromatcher Service (i.e. the provision of our Service, as further described in Clause 3). greatastromatcher will generally enable you to make contacts with other members. We cannot, however, guarantee that you will be able to successfully secure a partner as a result of using the Service.

5.3 While we expect our members to use the Service in a kind and respectful way (and in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions of Use), greatastromatcher is not responsible for any misuse of personal information made available through the Service by its members, or for any other use of the Service by its members which is contrary to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, or any use that is otherwise unauthorised or unlawful.
greatastromatcher is also not responsible for any misuse of data or information by third parties (i.e. other members or non-members) where you have provided the third party with such information.

5.4 While greatastromatcher works hard to provide a high quality service, greatastromatcher does not guarantee that the Service will perform perfectly at all times and cannot ensure that the Service will always be uninterrupted, secure or error-free. In particular, greatastromatcher is not liable for disruptions that affect the accessibility of the Service where such disruptions are caused by actions or events that are outside greatastromatcher 's control. Furthermore, although greatastromatcher will put appropriate technical and organisational security measures in place to protect your personal information, to the fullest extent permitted by law, greatastromatcher will not be liable for any unauthorized access by third parties to your personal data (e.g. due to hackers gaining unauthorised access to our database).

5.5 Except as expressly provided in these General Terms and Conditions of Use, we exclude all representations, warranties, conditions and terms (whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise) to the fullest extent permitted by law. We accept no liability for any losses or damages which are not reasonably foreseeable arising out of or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions of Use or your use of our Service.

5.6 As described below in Clause 10, these exclusions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with law, subject to other mandatory laws, which cannot be excluded in your country of residence. If any provision of these disclaimers and exclusions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable then that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

5.7 Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions of Use shall exclude or limit our liability for personal injury or death caused by our negligence, or fraud. In addition, these General Terms and Conditions of Use shall not limit or exclude any other liability that we are not permitted to limit or exclude under applicable law.

6. Responsibility and Duties of the Customer

6.1 As mentioned above, you are responsible for the accuracy of the content that you provide at registration and for all the information you provide about yourself in your profile. By providing us with this information, you agree and confirm that it is truthful and accurate. Intentional and / or fraudulent misrepresentation of your identity, including use of another or fictitious identity, can also subject you to potential legal liability.

6.2 By using the Service, you agree that you will only use the greatastromatcher Service for private and personal reasons and that you do not use or intend to use the Service for commercial reasons. You also agree that you will not use any information about third parties (including other members) that you receive through the Service for commercial or advertising purposes. You are in particular not allowed to use technological methods or processes to automatically download or otherwise access information about other members in order to use this information outside of the greatastromatcher Service (e.g. by a computer program or by copying and pasting the content). You also agree that the use of computer programs for the purpose of automatically reading files of member data (such as crawlers), is prohibited.

6.3 If you materially breach these Terms and Conditions of Use, or otherwise breach the law in relation to your use of our Service, greatastromatcher may be entitled to claim damages in accordance with the general rules of actual (Slovenian) law.

6.4 You will treat e-mails and other messages received via or in relation to the Service confidentially and you will not disclose these messages to third parties without the consent of the sender or serious cause. The same rules also apply to any names, phone and fax numbers, home addresses, e-mail addresses and/or URLs, or other personal information of other greatastromatcher members.

6.5 If you no longer wish to hear from us in relation to matches, or if you no longer want to be included as a potential partner in matches we propose to our other members (for example, because you have already found a partner), you can Deactivate account, if you are a Basic member, or set your profile as hidden, if you are a Premium member. It is important that our database remains accurate and up-to-date. If you do not let us know when you are no longer interested in finding a partner, this will have a detrimental effect on the quality of our Service as provided to other members.

6.6 You understand that greatastromatcher may delete any messages stored in your account after a period of twelve months following the date the message was received, without further notice to you. If you are a Basic member, you understand that all your data relating to your current Basic Membership will be automatically deleted if your profile is inactive for twenty-four months.

6.7 By registering for a greatastromatcher account, you agree and represent that you will not misuse the Service and comply with our conduct requirements. In particular, you will not use the Service:

  • to distribute any immoral, obscene, pornographic or radical political content or photos;
  • to distribute any defamatory, offensive or otherwise illegal content or information;
  • to threaten or harass other members, or to infringe any third party rights (including personal rights);
  • to upload any data which contains a virus (such as infected software); or to upload data which contains a software or other content which is protected by copyright, unless you own the rights in that content or have otherwise obtained the necessary consents;
  • in such a manner that your use will adversely affect the availability of offers to other members;
  • to intercept any e-mails / messages or to attempt to intercept them;
  • to send any e-mails / messages to members or use the video chat feature for any purpose other than to communicate, and in particular you will not use the Service to promote or to offer goods or services to other members except where this is expressly permitted by greatastromatcher;
  • to send any chain letters;
  • to send any messages that serve a commercial purpose;
  • to provide in your personal description and free-of-charge contact requests any names, addresses, phone or fax numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. if this information is not explicitly requested

6.8 If you do not comply with the conduct requirements as mentioned above in Clauses 6.1 – 6.4 and 6.7, we may take the following actions: we may ask you to stop your non-compliant activities (or otherwise send you a warning that your activities do not comply with our conduct requirements); we may delete any content which you have submitted via the Service in breach of any of our conduct requirements; we may suspend the provision of the Service to you (in whole or in part) until the issue is resolved (for example, while we investigate your activities); or (if it is clear to us that you are seriously misusing the Service) we may terminate the provision of the Service to you.

7. Communication

7.1 greatastromatcher is an online service. As such, greatastromatcher will generally communicate with its members using online methods, such as e-mail (e.g. for matches, personality evaluations, subscription confirmations, invoices), or via screen mask in a member's logged-in profile. As a digital service, our Service is only provided online. Therefore you can only sign up to, use and subscribe to our Service online.

To make sure that we do not receive unauthorised requests (and to protect your account from abuse), please make sure that you provide the following information in any communications you send to us, so we can authenticate that the message has been sent from you:

  • your e-mail address registered in your profile or your profile ID
  • your service password

As mentioned above, your profile ID and service password are assigned to you when you register to our Service. You can access these at any time in your online profile in the section entitled “Edit my profile”.

8. Rights of Use and Copyright

8.1 By using our Service, you understand and agree that greatastromatcher is the sole owner of all the rights in and related to the Service, including any rights of reproduction, distribution and processing, all copyrights, as well as the right of the intangible transmission and reproduction of the greatastromatcher website and of the content included within it. The use of any program, content, materials, trademarks as well as commercial names contained within the Service is only permitted for the purposes set out in these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

8.2 By creating an account, you grant greatastromatcher the right to use (including to host, store, use, copy, display, reproduce, adapt, edit, publish, modify or distribute) any information you make available on the Service (including any information you include in your profile) for the purposes of providing the Service to you and other members.

8.3 You understand that we have the right (but not the obligation) at our sole discretion to refuse to post, or to remove, any information that you make available on the Service; and that we have the right to change, condense or delete such content. For example, we may remove any content that violates these General Terms and Conditions of Use or is otherwise objectionable.

8.4 We respect the intellectual property of others and we expect our members to do the same. If you believe that any content that you see on our Service has been (or is being) used in a way which is an infringement of a third party's rights, please contact us using the contact details below (or via any other reasonable means of communication).

9. Governing Law

9.1 These General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, actual (Slovenian) Law.

10. Cancellation Policy, Exclusion of the Right to Cancel

If you have Basic membership, you can deactivate your account anytime.

If you have Premium membership, first you will have to contact us (see Clause 13.1), to deactivate your account.

11. Your legal rights

You are entitled for the Service to be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality. If you purchase a Premium Membership and the content that we provide to you is faulty, you are entitled to a repair or replacement; or, if the fault cannot be fixed, or if it cannot be fixed in a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience, you may be entitled to a full or partial refund. If you can show that the fault has damaged your device and we have not used reasonable care and skill, you may be entitled to a repair or compensation.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 greatastromatcher may use third-party service providers and agents, including entities belonging to our group, to help us provide the Service to you.

12.2 Should any provision of the Subscription Terms be or become invalid, or should they be incomplete, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining content of the Subscription Terms.

12.3 The language of the Subscription Terms is English.

12.4 Please note that we reserve the right to change and update these General Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time. However, the Subscription Terms that will apply to you are either: (i) the Subscription Terms provided on the date that we confirm your order (for Premium members); (ii) the Terms and Conditions of Use in force on the date of registration (for Basic members); or (iii) the Terms and Conditions of Use in force on the date you become again a Basic member (at the end of your Premium Membership).

13. Contact Us

13.1 greatastromatcher, is responsible for the content of the greatastromatcher Service. You can contact us using the following contact details:
[email protected]