My Library
( Work in progress )
Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice : Matheseos Libri VIII
By Julius Firmicus Maternus
Translated by Jean Rhys Bram
Julius Firmicus Maternus, a native of Sicily, was a Roman lawyer of the senatorial class. He lived in the first half of the fourth century AD (c.280-c.360). He was also a student of Greek astrology, which forms the basis of this book. Of this book, James Herschel Holden writes, "The Mathesis is the lengthiest astrological treatise that has come down to us from the classical period.
It consists of eight books, of which the first forms an introductory essay on astrology, and the rest set forth the fundamentals of Greek astrology. Several sections contain material that is found nowhere else...." (History of Horoscopic Astrology, pg. 66.) The translator writes, "Magic, philosophy, science and theology combine in strange ways in the thinking of the last centuries of the Roman empire..... Firmicus seemed worthy of note for many reasons. He is almost alone as author of works produced both before and after an apparent conversion to Christianity.... He left a lengthy handbook detailing the astrological practices of his day, the only work which has come down to us in its entirety [90% complete: Holden] out of numerous astrological treatises written in the Hellenistic and Roman periods..... This manual was important because it was the channel for astrological lore to the Middle Ages and Renaissance."
Back To a Future for Mankind
By Dr. Ibrahim Karim
This first-ever published collection of writings by Dr. Ibrahim Karim reflects the holistic essence of his worldview. Dr Karim is the founder of the Science of BioGeometry in the early 1970s. BioGeometry is the science that uses shapes, colors, motion and sound to induce harmony into the subtle energy qualities of the environment. At the core of this harmony is a subtle energy quality found in the transcendental centers of the forming process of nature and is the main quality in sacred power spots of humanity that give a spiritual dimension to the timeless monuments erected since the dawn of humanity.
With his experience as an architect and a scientist Dr. Karim has synergized aspects of Pythagorean Harmonics, Subtle energy sciences, Radiesthesia, Geobiology, Building Biology, Sacred Architecture & modern wave theories to produce a new Physics of Quality from which the science of BioGeometry emerged.
*BioGeometry bridges science and spirituality to produce a natural harmony into the environment.
*BioGeometry provides a viable solution in transforming the quality of the effect that electromagnetic radiation has on living systems. Successful projects in Switzerland in collaboration & acknowledgment of Swiss authorities prove its efficiency to take our modern science into the future.
*BioGeometry provides new solutions to Earth Radiation, which is a serious health hazard if not acknowledged in the location and design of our buildings.
*A new energy-quality-based analysis of the Great Pyramid in Giza, reveals new knowledge on the foremost of the wonders of the world and on the essence of the great Ancient Egyptian civilization.
BioGeometry Signatures : Harmonizing the Body's Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment
By Dr. Ibrahim Karim
Based on over 45 years of research, BioGeometry Signatures are linear diagrams that help balance the subtle energy of body organs. The organ subtle energy patterns are accessed through BioGeometry Signatures placed externally in the body's energy fields to create a connection through Resonance of Shape.
"This is a book that will change the way you think about your body and your health. It shows that we are not separate from the shapes, angles and proportions that surround us all the time, and that these shapes create energetic patterns that can introduce equilibrium and harmony into our own biological makeup. This is a modern science of energy balancing that provides the key to the hidden ancient knowledge of great civilizations. With BioGeometry, Dr. Ibrahim Karim has demonstrated how powerful simple shapes can be in altering the functioning of our physical, mental, and spiritual worlds. This has been frequently demonstrated in architectural and design projects, environmental balancing solutions including the mitigation of the effects of electro-pollution and geopathic stress, in health and wellness projects, and in the efforts of individuals in their personal spiritual development. In this book on BioGeometry Signatures, once again you see how powerful certain carefully created shapes can be in altering the physical functioning of organ systems, in supporting healing, and in changing physical and mental states. Work with them, let them touch you, and feel how they can assist you in your own search for harmony." - Michael J. Maley, Ph.D. Instructor in BioGeometry
Book of Instructions in the Elements of the Art of Astrology
By Al Biruni
Al Biruni, one of the greatest Arab scholars, was born on September 4, 973, in what is now Uzbekistan. He showed talent at an early age and by his early 20's had written several acclaimed papers. Political unrest in his 20's and 30's found him at one point at Gurgan, on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Peace found him in Ghaznah, which is today in Afghanistan. From 1017 to 1030 he travelled extensively in India, becoming fluent in Sanskrit. From this he wrote his monumental survey, India, of the history, customs and beliefs of the subcontinent. His other books include The Chronology of Ancient Nations, the Masudic Cannon, Book of Instructions, and more than 100 others, some of which are lost. He died on December 13, 1048, aged 75. He is buried in Ghaznah.
The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology was written for Lady Rayhanah, to whom it is dedicated. R. Ramsay Wright, the translator, said it could be regarded as a primer of 11th century science. Among its highlights are a comprehensive list of more than 150 Lots, various forms of aspects and planetary relationships, planetary positions relative to the sun, an excellent text on rulerships as well as comprehensive notes on weather and meteorological phenomena. This book was unknown to medieval European astrologers. This edition, comprising the astrological part of the original (sections 347-530) has been taken from Wright's pioneering 1934 translation, itself taken from Persian and Arabic sources. For this edition, text and tables have been reset, and a new index added.
Constellation Myths: with Aratus's Phaenomena
By Eratosthenes, Hyginus, Aratus
Translated by Robin Hard
The constellations we recognize today were first mapped by the ancient Greeks, who arranged the stars into patterns for that purpose. In the third century BC Eratosthenes compiled a handbook of astral mythology in which the constellations were associated with figures from legend, and myths were provided to explain how each person, creature, or object came to be placed in the sky. Thus we can see Heracles killing the Dragon, and Perseus slaying the sea-monster to save Andromeda; Orion chases the seven maidens transformed by Zeus into the Pleiades, and Aries, the golden ram, is identified flying up to the heavens.
This translation brings together the later summaries from Eratosthenes' lost handbook with a guide to astronomy compiled by Hyginus, librarian to Augustus. Together with Aratus's astronomical poem the Phaenomena, these texts provide a complete collection of Greek astral myths; imaginative and picturesque, they also offer an intriguing insight into ancient science and culture.
Dance of the Zodiac, Rhythms and Patterns of Creation
By William Arthur Schreib
Dance of the Zodiac is a illustrated book with hundreds of drawings and photographs that give insights into how the signs of the zodiac are displayed in the physiognomy, appearance and personality of people. This 89 page (letter-sized) book provides a unique, informative, and very enjoyable treatise on recognizing "the elemental differences and the universal patterns that created all physical form." With extensively researched collections of celebrity faces, photo collages and Schreib's whimsical astro-caricatures, the full physical influences of our astrology horoscopes are demonstrated. Along with the Sun Signs, there are sections that reveal the influence of the Moon Sign, the Ascendant, the decans and the three primary personality planets: Mercury, Mars and Venus. The book concludes with two samples of each Sun sign, featured in William Schreib's "Celebrity Snapshots", a monthly article in DELL HOROSCOPE Magazine.
Introduction to Gnosis : Gnostic Methods for Today's World
By Samael Aun Weor
"Only a mind that is at peace can solve problems."
The Greek word gnosis implies a type of knowledge that comes from experience. To understand it, one must experience it. Real spirituality and religion begin with experience of the truth, and the method to acquire that experience is primarily practical. However, to experience the reality that is beyond the physical senses, our psychological condition is key: if our mind is disturbed, chaotic, contradictory, then it will remain an obstacle and source of suffering. Introduction to Gnosis provides a straight-forward, practical way to stabilize your mind and your life, to prepare you for the journey to real self-knowledge. Only when the mind is at peace and serene do we have the opportunity to deeply understand anything.
"Even if one is the most sinful of all sinners, one shall yet cross over the ocean of sin by the raft of self-knowledge alone. As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes; similarly, the fire of self-knowledge reduces all bonds of karma to ashes..."
"Know yourself, and you will know the Universe and its Gods."
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds : How is it Achieved?
By Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner's foundational handbook for spiritual and personal development has grown more modern with time, though his methods remain clearly distinguishable from many current paths of inner work. First, Steiner's method is based on the clarity of thought normally associated with scientific research. Instead of denying clear thinking, his aim is to extend it beyond its present limitations. Second, Steiner recognizes--as do all genuine paths--that the way to spiritual experience is arduous and dangerous and calls for self-control in thought, word, and action. The human being comprises a unity, and we cannot develop knowledge without a corresponding development of feeling and will.
Steiner predicted that humanity would begin to experience a longing for forms of experience that transcended intellectual, materialistic thinking. More than a hundred years after the first publication of this book, countless means are offered for achieving transcendental experience, including Eastern meditation practices, channeling, remote viewing, and astral projection. Moreover, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who report various suprasensory perceptions, such as near-death experiences and meetings with angels. In this context, Steiner's key spiritual guidebook is needed more than ever, given its unique, precise instructions for inner training, its protective exercises, and its indications for staying grounded and centered. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds begins with the preconditions for personal development and guides the reader through the stages of initiation, its practical aspects and its effects.
Love, Sex and Astrology
By Teri King
This book explains the basic characteristics associated with each sign of the zodiac. For each sign there is a quiz that will enable you to check your responses and attitudes against those of a possible partner. This bestselling book also tells you how you can expect to get along with other people, using star signs as a guide. All aspects of love and sex are explored, as is every possible astrological relationship between men and women.
Myths from Mesopotamia : Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others
Translated by Stephanie Dalley
The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia thrived between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates over 4,000 years ago. The myths collected here, originally written in cuneiform on clay tablets, include parallels with the biblical stories of the Creation and the Flood, and the famous Epic of Gilgamesh, the tale of a man of great strength, whose heroic quest for immortality is dashed through one moment of weakness.
Recent developments in Akkadian grammar and lexicography mean that this new translation, complete with notes, a glossary of deities, place-names, and key terms, and illustrations of the mythical monsters featured in the text, will replace all other versions.
By Aratus
Translated by Aaron Poochigian
After the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Phaenomena was the most widely read poem in the ancient world. Its fame was immediate. It was translated into Latin by Ovid and Cicero and quoted by St. Paul in the New Testament, and it was one of the few Greek poems translated into Arabic. Aratus' Phaenomena is a didactic poem-a practical manual in verse that teaches the reader to identify constellations and predict weather. The poem also explains the relationship between celestial phenomena and such human affairs as agriculture and navigation. Despite the historical and pedagogical importance of the poem, no English edition suitable for students and general readers has been available for decades. Aaron Poochigian's lively translation makes accessible one of the most influential poets of antiquity. Poochigian's interpretation of the Phaenomena reestablishes the ancient link between poetry and science and demonstrates that verse is an effective medium for instruction.
Featuring references to Classical mythology and science, star charts of the northern and southern skies, extensive notes, and an introduction to the work's stylistic features and literary reception, this dynamic work will appeal to students of Ancient Greece who want to deepen their understanding of the Classical world.
Practical Astrology : Self-transformation Through Self-knowledge
By Samael Aun Weor
This practical, straightforward guide to astrology discards complicated charts and memorization, and instead explains how to transform your daily life by learning about your true nature. As the ancient Oracle at Delphi said, Know yourself, and you will know the universe and its gods. Real astrology is discovered through experiencing the incredible spaces that are within us. In Practical Astrology, you will learn:
- The psychological and spiritual importance of every zodiacal sign
- Effective techniques like meditation and astral projection
- How to consciously use cause and effect to overcome suffering
- Kabbalah, Tarot, and the Hebrew letters, the mystical science that helps us understand our spiritual experiences
- The interdependence between spirituality, consciousness, and sexuality
Awakening consciousness leads to spiritual elevation, natural wisdom, and a deep and pervasive love for humanity. By awakening consciousness, you will directly experience your inner cosmos, a reflection of the cosmos around you.
Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac
By George W. Carey
George Washington Carey (1845-1924) was an American physician known for a number of 1910s 'Chemistry of Life' publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry, particularly his 1919 "The Chemistry of Human Life". Carey combined a mixture of religion, astrology, physiology, anatomy, and chemistry, themed particularly with a mineral-based theory of human disease, to develop his theories. Carey is popular among the new-age and homeopathic circles. In the context of a person viewed as a "human molecule", Carey was the first to state that a person's body is a "chemical formula in operation."
This title is the first part: "Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac", of this classic and later publication; "The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation." With the renewed interest in homeopathy, increased study of astrology and the entrance of the Aquarian Age, this book has gained more importance. It is an attempt to answer all the questions regarding the cell salts.
Secrets of Indian Astrology
by Adrian Predrag Kezele
This special book will provide you with a wealth of new information about an unknown but very interesting field while teaching you practical skills on how to know your past, change your present and choose your future.
The book Secrets of Indian Astrology is a kind of manual from which you will learn a wide range of knowledge: from the creation of a birth chart to the subtle details of the interpretation of the unique system of planetary periods for Indian astrology.
Symbols, Sex and the Stars
By Ernest Busenbark
Preface by Jordan Maxwell
Prefaced by and highly recommended by religious researcher Jordan Maxwell. Full title of Symbols, Sex, and the Stars in Popular Beliefs, An Outline of the Origins of Moon and Sun worship, Astrology, Sex Symbolism, Mystic Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions and Religious Beliefs.
Over 300 illustrations, includes over 120 pages of sex symbolism. Jordan Maxwell says "this is a must read book for those who are concerned about pagan influence on the modern day Church." Mythologist Jordan Maxwell was so impressed he created a three-part video series based on this material and wrote a Preface to the book.
By Ptolemy, adapted by Proclus
Claudius Ptolemy (c.100 - c.178 AD), of Alexandria, was one of the greatest philosopher/scientists of the ancient world. Among his books are the Almagest, Geography, Optics, Planispherium and Tetrabiblos. The earliest surviving version of Tetrabiblos is the paraphrase attributed to Proclus the Philosopher (412-485). Tetrabiblos (literally, "four books") was long thought to be a complete survey of Greek astrology. Recent research suggests this not to be the case, but Ptolemy's work remains the foundation of western astrology. In particular, his persuasive use of the Tropical Zodiac, rather than the Sidereal, changed western astrology forever.
Book 1 of Tetrabiblos defines various technical terms and supplies other information needed by the astrologer. Chapters 9, 10 and 11 detail the influence of fixed stars in various constellations. Book 2 is the astrology of nations and their rulers. Books 3 & 4 are devoted to Natal Astrology. Book 3, chapter 2, explains Ptolemy's method of rectifying the Ascendant. Chapter 10 gives a method for determining life expectancy. Book 4 deals with wealth, rank, employment, marriage, children, death, etc. Published editions of Tetrabiblos traditionally include extracts from the Almagest (a compendium of Greek astronomy), as well as "Ptolemy's Centiloquy," a list of aphorisms, the authorship of which is disputed. Many of the 100 deal with horary astrology. They have been studied by astrologers for centuries.
Translations: Gardner (1911) lists four English translations of Tetrabiblos. The first was by John Walley, 1701. The second was Walley's translation, edited by Sibley and Brown, 1786, which is said to be worthless. The third, by James Wilson (author of the famous Dictionary of Astrology), was published in 1820. The fourth (this one, by far the best), was by J.M. Ashmand, 1822. A fifth translation was made in 1940 by F.E. Robbins. Of these several translators, only Ashmand could claim to be both a Greek and Latin scholar as well as an experienced astrologer. We are honored to present Ashmand's translation to a new generation of students. Ashmand's dedication is to Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), author of Waverly, an historical novel about the Scots rebellion of 1745. To Ptolemy's text, Ashmand adds his own preface, as well as a note on Mr. Ranger's Zodiacal Planisphere.
Every serious astrologer, from the 3rd century to the present, has studied the Tetrabiblos. With the current revival of traditional astrology, it remains essential reading.
That Old-Time Religion: The Story of Religious Foundations
By Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice and Alan Snow
This book shows how many Christian beliefs could be far older than what we have suspected. It gives a complete run-down of the stellar, lunar, and solar evolution of our religious systems and contains new, exhaustive research on the gods and our beliefs. The book's main theme centers on the work of Jordan Maxwell. He has become widely known as one of the world's foremost experts on early mythological systems and their influence on both ancient and modern religions.
The book also includes an interview with Dr. Alan Snow, referred to by Sydney Ohmarr as the "world's greatest authority on astrology and the Dead Sea Scrolls." Paul Tice also contributes three chapters, the last one explaining how we should revert to the original teachings of religious founders, including Jesus, before they had become corrupted by "organized religion." This book is illustrated, organized, and very comprehensive.
Educate yourself with clear documented proof, and prepare to have your belief system shattered!
The Astrological Body Types
By Judith A. Hill
This third revision of a now classic text is most complete compendium of Astrological Body Types available anywhere. This volume delights readers with over 80 illustrations and detailed descriptions by the author accurately depicting the archetypal Zodiac Sign Types, Planetary Types, Elemental and Modal Types. Character, appearance, vocational suggestions plus numerous example personality types are included for each sign and planetary type. Substantial appendices are included on the physical effects of Lunar Nodes; the famous Mars-Redhead research project; and the Four Medical Elements. A listed "Dave's Top Ten" book by genre at The American Center for Astrology. The award winning author is well known for her exceptional books on Medical Astrology and Vocational Astrology. This classic favorite is a steady sale in book shelves frequented by astrological readers!
The Corpus Hermeticum : Initiation Into Hermetics, The Hermetica Of Hermes Trismegistus
By G.R.S. Mead
The Corpus Hermeticum are at the core of the Hermetic tradition. Early Church officials believed this was an early precursor to Christianity. Today we know it emerged from Hellenic Egypt. In the text, the Thrice Great Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, engages in an educational and easy to follow discussion with the great healer of ancient Greece; Asclepius, answering the eternal questions as to the nature of the Logos.
The Four Temperaments
By Rudolf Steiner
"The two streams in the human being combine to produce what is commonly known as a person's temperament. Our inner self and our inherited traits co-mingle in it. Temperament is an intermediary between what connects us to an ancestral line and what we bring with us...Temperament strikes a balance between the eternal and the ephemeral..."
From personal spiritual insight, Rudolf Steiner renews and broadens the ancient teaching of the four temperaments. He explains how each person's combination of temperaments - with one usually uppermost - is shaped. Steiner gives lively descriptions of the passive, comfort-seeking phlegmatic, the fickle, flitting sanguine, the pained, gloomy melancholic and the fiery, assertive choleric. He also offers practical suggestions aimed at teachers and parents for addressing the various manifestations of the temperaments in children, as well as advice intended for adults' personal development.
The Holy Science
By Swami Sri Yukteswar
This extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. Swami Sri Yukteswar, the revered guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, outlines the universal path that every human being must travel to enlightenment. He also explains the vast recurring cycles of civilization, affording a profound understanding of history and the ever-changing panorama of turbulent world events.
The Houses : Temples of the Sky
By Deborah Houlding
An excellent book on the astrological houses. Their origins, how they got their meaning and a thorough description of why not all houses are created of equal strength and potency.
The book is very well researched with abundant footnotes filled with references. Their is also a helpful appendix of items in alphabetical order and to which astrological house they belong.
Highly recommended : for beginners so you get things straight from the start; for seasoned astrologers so you might understand why certain houses have those meaning and to the modern astrologers to understand why modern interpretation of houses has no astrological and philosophical foundation.
The Kybalion: Centenary Edition : Hermetic Philosophy
by Three Initiates
The most popular occult work of the twentieth century--now in a hardbound edition that evokes the original volume, with a new introduction by scholar of mysticism Richard Smoley.
For generations, readers have debated the origins and studied the knowledge of this mysterious exploration of Hermetic wisdom, attributed to Three Initiates.
Now in its second century, The Kybalion is restored to hardcover in a commemorative volume that evokes the appearance of the occult landmark's first edition.
The new introduction by Richard Smoley, a celebrated scholar of mystical traditions, makes this a historical keepsake.
The Rosicrucian Mysteries
by Max Heindel
Max Heindel's mysticism is set firmly in the western tradition of the Gnosis. Following a series of disappointments and ill health, Heindel claims to have been visited by a Spiritual Being, who he identified as an Elder Brother of the Rosicrucian Order. From this entity he received a compelling explanation of the spiritual evolution of both the Cosmos and Humanity, couched in terms best suited to the logical, linear mind of western culture. 'The Rosicrucian Mysteries' is an elementary exposition of these teachings and training methods, and a perfect introduction to the philosophy of this important teacher of the Western Mystery Tradition.
The Temple in Man: Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man
By R.A.Schwaller De Lubicz
The Yoga of Snakes and Ladders : The Leela of Self-Knowledge
By Harish Johari
A guide to observation of the inner self through the ancient Indian game of Leela.
- Comes complete with foldout game board and commentary for the 72 spaces
- Mirrors the path of obstacles and insights one encounters in self-development
- Repeated play offers lessons in self-understanding
Chutes and Ladders, the popular children's game, is derived from the ancient Hindu game Leela, or Snakes and Arrows, which charts the ups and downs of the soul's path toward reunion with the Infinite. Snakes and Arrows was designed by the seers and saints of India as a tool for understanding the relationship of the individual self to the Absolute Self. For thousands of years the 72 spaces on this game board have enabled players to chart the paths that represent the course of their lives. Each space represents a virtue or a vice, an aspect of consciousness, or a plane of reality and is accompanied by a commentary explaining its meaning. The player's progress on the board is dictated by the fall of a die corresponding to the forces of karma. Repeated encounters with the snakes and arrows on the board reveal the full meaning of the commentaries and can give shape to habitual patterns of the player, resulting in greater self-understanding and even a gradual detachment from the ego's delusions.
The Yoga of Snakes and Arrows assists the seeker through the stages and trials of self-development, mirroring both the obstacles of karma and the rewards of self-obtained insight. There is really only one game in life and that is Leela, the game of self-knowledge and the universal play of cosmic energies.
Your Health in Your Horoscope : Introduction to Medical Astrology
By Stefan Stenudd
The ancient tradition of astrology is another way of looking at ourselves than the methods developed by modern natural science. It cannot substitute science any more than science can incorporate astrology. The best use you can have of this introduction to medical astrology is as an alternative perspective on your health. By examining your horoscope you shed light on the complexity of living your life in ways that agree with you the most. Learn how your health is described by the Zodiac signs, the movements of the planets, their aspects, and the astrological Houses. This book contains all the basics you need to get started on that exploration.
Stefan Stenudd is a Swedish author who has written several bestselling books about astrology since the 1970's. He has also written books about myth, life energy concepts, Ancient Greek cosmology, and the Japanese martial arts. His fiction, too, deals with cosmological and existential themes.
And many more....