Houses in Astrology

( Work in progress )

What are houses in Astrology?

In astrology, the term "houses" refers to the twelve divisions of an astrological chart, also known as the birth chart or natal chart. The chart is a map of the celestial sphere at the time of a person's birth, with each house representing a different area of life. The houses are numbered from 1 to 12, starting from the Ascendant or rising sign, which is the point on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.

Each house is associated with specific life themes, experiences, and areas of focus.

The planets in the birth chart are placed in these houses, influencing the areas of life associated with each house. Additionally, the signs on the cusp of each house (the starting point) and any planets within the houses contribute to the overall interpretation of an individual's chart. The houses provide a framework for understanding the different facets of a person's life and experiences.

1st House

House of: Self

Latin motto: Vita (Life)

Ruled by: T Mars

Related sign: a Aries

Represent: Beginnings, early environment, personality, physical body

Rules: the life of man, the head and face of man and the physical body, health, accidents, birth, arrivals, the present and today, the condition of a vehicle one is in and new ventures, the native, plaintiff, fellow travelers, newcomers, arrivals, great-grandchildren and grandparents

The 1st house represents the self, the individual, and the way a person projects their personality and identity out into the world. It is often associated with the physical body, appearance, and first impressions. The zodiac sign that occupies the 1st house is known as the Ascendant (or Rising Sign). The ruler of this sign, which is the planet that rules the zodiac sign of the Ascendant, holds significant importance in the birth chart. The qualities and characteristics associated with the Ascendant are what people may initially notice about a person. It influences how a person comes across to others and the impression they make in social interactions. While the overall physical appearance of a person is influenced by multiple factors in the birth chart, the 1st house and its ruler can offer insights into specific features or traits that may stand out.
Understanding the 1st house and its ruler, along with the placement and aspects of the planets in this house, provides a foundational understanding of an individual's outward personality and how they interact with the world. It's one of the cornerstones of astrological interpretation, along with other significant components like the Sun, Moon, and Midheaven.

2nd House

House of: Finances and Value

Latin motto: Lucrum (Gain)

Ruled by: R Venus

Related sign: s Taurus

Represent: Finance, freedom given by money, self-worth, talents

Rules: the person's estate, fortune, money, moveable property, everything the person owns, securities, gain, investment, the future and tomorrow, ancestors, person's banker, and investors

The 2nd house is associated with personal values, including what an individual considers important and valuable. This house also pertains to material resources, finances, and possessions. It signifies the money a person earns through their efforts and work, rather than inheritances or windfalls which are associated with the 8th house. This house reflects the things a person owns and how they relate to their possessions. It indicates how attached or detached a person may be from material goods. The 2nd house is linked to an individual's self-esteem and self-worth, as it represents the things they value and believe are important in life. It provides insights into how a person approaches financial matters, their attitudes towards saving and spending, and their general sense of financial security. The 2nd house is also associated with an individual's natural talents, skills, and abilities that they can use to generate income and acquire resources. The 2nd house is traditionally ruled by Taurus, a sign associated with stability, material possessions, and the appreciation of beauty and comfort.
In the natural zodiac, the 2nd house follows the 1st house, which is associated with self-discovery and self-expression. Therefore, the 2nd house represents the phase where an individual begins to establish a sense of worth and values. It's important to note that each person's 2nd house will have a unique zodiac sign ruling it, and this will be determined by the sign that was on the cusp of the 2nd house at the time of their birth. The planets placed in the 2nd house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's relationship with money, possessions, and values. Understanding the 2nd house is valuable for gaining insights into a person's attitudes towards finances and material resources, as well as their sense of self-worth and value system.

3rd House

House of: Communication and Sharing

Latin motto: Fratres (Order)

Ruled by: E Mercury

Related sign: d Gemini

Represent: Lower mind, speech, communications, short journeys, brothers and sisters

Rules: communication, rumors, short journeys, exams, letters, trips, visits, messages, deliveries, writing, schooling, gossip and reports, brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors, gossippers, visitors, teachers, deliverymen, tradesmen, court reporters and postmen

The 3rd house represents how an individual communicates, both verbally and in writing. It reflects their style of expression, including speech patterns, writing skills, and how they convey ideas. This house is associated with the intellectual and mental activities of an individual. It reflects how they process information, engage in learning, and use their cognitive abilities. The 3rd house is linked to siblings, cousins, and close relatives, as well as the relationships and interactions one has with them. It encompasses the immediate surroundings of an individual, including the neighborhood, local community, and day-to-day interactions. The 3rd house is associated with short trips, commutes, and local travel, rather than long-distance journeys which are typically indicated by the 9th house. The 3rd house is traditionally ruled by Gemini, a sign known for its curiosity, adaptability, and communication skills. Therefore, Gemini characteristics are often associated with matters related to the 3rd house.
Following the 1st and 2nd houses, which are associated with self-discovery and establishing personal values, the 3rd house represents the phase where individuals begin to actively communicate, learn, and engage with their immediate environment. This house reflects an individual's curiosity and interest in gathering information, as well as their desire to connect with others through communication. The planets placed in the 3rd house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's communication style, intellectual pursuits, and relationships with siblings and close relatives. Understanding the 3rd house is valuable for gaining insights into a person's modes of communication, learning style, and interactions within their immediate environment. It also sheds light on their relationships with siblings and close relatives.

4th House

House of: Home and Family

Latin motto: Genitor (Parent)

Ruled by: W Moon

Related sign: f Cancer

Represent: Home, parents, roots, foundations, subconscious patterns

Rules: land, houses, your roots, hidden treasure, mislaid articles, domestic affairs, inheritances, farms, wells, mines, property and graves, the father, mother-in-law, family, farmer, gardener, jurymen, grave-diggers, builders, ranchers and miners

The 4th house represents an individual's home, both the physical residence and the concept of what "home" means to them emotionally and psychologically. It encompasses the place where a person feels most comfortable and secure. This house is associated with family life, including the relationship with parents (especially the mother), family traditions, and one's ancestral heritage. It reflects the emotional bonds and connections with family members. The 4th house is crucial for understanding an individual's emotional well-being and sense of security. It reflects the early childhood experiences and influences that shape an individual's emotional foundation. Matters related to real estate, property ownership, and one's connection to their physical living space are also associated with the 4th house. This house can indicate the end of matters and the culmination of projects or phases of life. It is linked to the idea of closure and endings, as it is the lowest point on the birth chart wheel. The 4th house is traditionally ruled by Cancer, a sign known for its nurturing and protective qualities. Therefore, Cancerian characteristics, such as emotional sensitivity and a strong connection to family, are often associated with matters related to the 4th house.
Following the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd houses, which are associated with self-discovery, values, and communication, the 4th house represents a turning point where individuals establish a sense of emotional security and connection to their roots. This house is related to an individual's private life, including personal habits, innermost feelings, and the sanctuary they create within their home. The planets placed in the 4th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's family dynamics, emotional well-being, and relationship with their home and ancestral heritage. Understanding the 4th house is valuable for gaining insights into one's emotional foundations, family connections, and the importance of home in their life. It also sheds light on the role of closure and endings in their personal journey.

5th House

House of: Pleasure and Creativity

Latin motto: Nati (Children)

Ruled by: Q Sun

Related sign: g Leo

Represent: Pleasure, education, children, publications, speculation

Rules: banquets, bars, taverns, plays, community property, speculation, betting and pregnancy, children, pregnant women, messengers, speculators, gamblers and entertainers

The 5th house represents an individual's creativity, self-expression, and artistic inclinations. It encompasses activities and endeavors that allow a person to express themselves authentically. This house is linked to activities and experiences that bring joy, fun, and pleasure. It includes hobbies, leisure activities, and forms of entertainment. The 5th house is associated with romantic relationships, flirtation, and love affairs. It reflects the individual's approach to dating and matters of the heart. This house pertains to matters related to children, including one's own biological or adopted children, as well as the experience of parenthood and the desire to have children. The 5th house is also associated with risk-taking, speculation, and games of chance. It reflects an individual's approach to taking risks and their attitudes towards gambling or speculative ventures. The 5th house is traditionally ruled by Leo, a sign known for its creativity, self-expression, and love of drama and entertainment. Therefore, Leo characteristics, such as confidence and a love for the spotlight, are often associated with matters related to the 5th house. It represents the pursuit of pleasure and passion in life, as well as the desire to engage in activities that bring personal fulfillment.
Following the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th houses, which are associated with self-discovery, values, communication, and home life, the 5th house represents a phase where individuals explore their creative potential and seek joy and pleasure in life. The planets placed in the 5th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's approach to creativity, love, and pleasure, as well as their relationships with children and their parenting style. Understanding the 5th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's creative outlets, romantic inclinations, and sources of joy and pleasure in life. It also sheds light on their approach to parenthood and interactions with children.

6th House

House of: Health and Service

Latin motto: Valetudo (Health)

Ruled by: E Mercury

Related sign: h Virgo

Represent: Service, relations with employers and employees, health and sickness

Rules: sickness (quality and cause), disease (long or short), distress, voluntary labor, civil service work, animal husbandry and caretaking, uncles and aunts from father, tenants, farmers, employees, inferiors, lodgers, pets, small animals, nurses, dentists, healers and those in civil service

The 6th house represents an individual's sense of duty, responsibility, and service to others. It encompasses activities and endeavors that involve helping and assisting others. This house is linked to physical health, wellness practices, and routines that contribute to well-being. It reflects an individual's approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The 6th house is associated with employment, job satisfaction, and one's approach to work. It reflects the individual's work ethic, job responsibilities, and attitudes towards their profession. This house pertains to daily habits, schedules, and routines. It reflects how an individual organizes their day-to-day life and manages tasks and responsibilities. The 6th house is also associated with the care of small animals and pets. It reflects an individual's attitude towards animal companionship and their approach to pet care. The 6th house is traditionally ruled by Virgo, a sign known for its attention to detail, practicality, and focus on service. Therefore, Virgo characteristics, such as organization and a desire to be of help to others, are often associated with matters related to the 6th house. It represents the aspects of life that pertain to everyday routines, responsibilities, and tasks that contribute to a person's overall well-being and effectiveness in the world.
Following the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th houses, which are associated with self-discovery, values, communication, home life, and creativity, the 6th house represents a phase where individuals focus on practical matters, routines, and service to others. The planets placed in the 6th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's work habits, approach to health, and sense of duty and responsibility. Understanding the 6th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's approach to work, health, and service to others. It also provides information about their daily routines and habits that contribute to overall well-being.

7th House

House of: Partnerships and Balance

Latin motto: Uxor (Spouse)

Ruled by: R Venus

Related sign: j Libra

Represent: partnership, marriage, the public, open enemies

Rules: marriage, partnerships, lawsuits, war, quarrels, divorce, agencies, removals, separation, settlements, contracts, agreements, open enemies and theft, the other person (unrelated), public enemies, thief, spouse, partner, astrologer, doctor, agent, fugitive, the public, opponent, defendant, niece and nephew

The 7th house represents all kinds of partnerships, including romantic relationships, marriage, business partnerships, and significant collaborations. It reflects how an individual relates to others on a one-on-one basis. This house is closely linked to marriage and long-term committed partnerships. It reflects the qualities an individual seeks in a partner and the dynamics within their significant relationships. Traditionally, the 7th house is also associated with open enemies or those who may present challenges or opposition in an individual's life. This can include people or circumstances that bring about growth and lessons through conflicts. The 7th house signifies the need for negotiation, compromise, and finding a sense of balance in relationships. It reflects the skills needed to navigate the give-and-take of partnerships. Matters related to contracts, agreements, and legal issues can fall under the domain of the 7th house. This includes legal partnerships such as marriage contracts and business agreements. The 7th house is traditionally ruled by Libra, a sign known for its emphasis on fairness, balance, and harmonious relationships. Therefore, Libran characteristics, such as diplomacy and a desire for partnership, are often associated with matters related to the 7th house. It represents the need to reflect on oneself through interactions with others. The relationships in this house often serve as mirrors, offering insights into one's own behavior, needs, and desires. This house is concerned with the significant people in an individual's life, particularly those with whom they form close, intimate partnerships.
The planets placed in the 7th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's approach to relationships, marriage, and partnerships, as well as the qualities they seek in a partner. Understanding the 7th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's approach to relationships, the qualities they seek in a partner, and how they navigate the dynamics of partnerships. It also provides information about their attitudes towards marriage and long-term commitments.

8th House

House of: Sex and Transformation

Latin motto: Mors (Death)

Ruled by: T Mars, P Pluto

Related sign: k Scorpio

Represent: legacies, cause of death, occult tragedy, regeneration, taxes

Rules: the estate of the deceased, wills, legacies, dowry of the wife, death (quality and nature), alimony, gifts, fees, tips, taxes, escrows, debts, bankruptcy, losses, injury and surgery, the heir of the deceased, pall bearers, coroners, undertakers, surgeons and tax collectors

The 8th house represents profound transformation, change, and rebirth. It reflects an individual's ability to evolve and grow through life's challenges and transitions. This house is linked to sexuality, intimacy, and deep emotional connections in relationships. It reflects how an individual experiences and expresses their sexuality and their approach to intimacy. Matters related to shared resources, joint finances, and financial partnerships fall under the domain of the 8th house. This includes issues like inheritances, taxes, debts, and investments. The 8th house is associated with psychology, the subconscious mind, and the exploration of the hidden or occult aspects of life. It reflects an individual's capacity for introspection and self-discovery. This house pertains to experiences related to death and rebirth, both literal and symbolic. It reflects the individual's attitudes towards mortality and the transformative power of life's cycles. The 8th house is traditionally ruled by Scorpio, a sign known for its intensity, depth, and desire for transformation. Therefore, Scorpio characteristics, such as passion and a fascination with the hidden, are often associated with matters related to the 8th house. It represents resources and assets that an individual shares with others, such as inheritances, joint ventures, and financial investments. Some astrologers associate the 8th house with karmic debts and the need to address unresolved issues from the past in order to grow and transform.
The planets placed in the 8th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's approach to intimacy, shared resources, and transformational experiences. Understanding the 8th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's capacity for deep transformation, their approach to intimacy and shared resources, and their attitudes towards life's profound mysteries and cycles. It also sheds light on their ability to navigate life's challenges and transitions.

9th House

House of: Philosophy and Purpose

Latin motto: Iter (Passage)

Ruled by: Y Jupiter

Related sign: l Sagittarius

Represent: higher mind, religion, law, long journeys, philosophy

Rules: voyages, foreign countries and interests, visions, dreams, books, learning, absent persons, legal issues, education, long journeys, ceremonies, rituals, legalizing, publishing, science, parades, education and religion, the clergy, religious men, in-laws, strangers, aliens, travelers, explorers, insurance adjusters, publishers and grandchildren

The 9th house represents an individual's personal philosophy, beliefs, and spiritual pursuits. It reflects their quest for higher meaning and understanding of life's purpose. This house is linked to higher education, academic pursuits, and intellectual expansion. It reflects an individual's interest in subjects like philosophy, religion, law, and higher knowledge. The 9th house pertains to long-distance travel, foreign cultures, and experiences that broaden one's horizons. It reflects an individual's desire for adventure and exploration. This house is associated with an individual's spiritual journey, religious beliefs, and practices. It reflects their connection to higher powers and their search for spiritual enlightenment. Matters related to law, justice, and legal proceedings can fall under the domain of the 9th house. This includes issues like legal studies, court cases, and ethical considerations. The 9th house is traditionally ruled by Sagittarius, a sign known for its adventurous spirit, love for knowledge, and philosophical nature. Therefore, Sagittarian characteristics, such as optimism and a quest for truth, are often associated with matters related to the 9th house. It represents the desire for personal and intellectual growth, as well as the pursuit of experiences that expand one's understanding of the world. This house signifies long journeys, both physical and metaphorical, that lead to personal growth and a broader perspective on life.
The planets placed in the 9th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's approach to higher education, travel, and spiritual pursuits. Understanding the 9th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's philosophical outlook, their approach to higher learning, and their quest for spiritual and intellectual growth. It also provides information about their attitudes towards travel and their desire to explore different cultures and belief systems.

10th House

House of: Public Image and Enterprise

Latin motto: Regnum (Kingdom)

Ruled by: U Saturn

Related sign: v Capricorn

Represent: profession, standing in community, the mother

Rules: honor, preferment, dignity, career, profession, kingdoms, authority, fate, fame, notoriety, business, employment, credit, reputation, conviction and execution, the mother, kings, presidents, judges, employers, guardians, rulers, superiors, professionals and executives

The 10th house represents an individual's career, profession, and vocational pursuits. It reflects their ambitions, goals, and the path they take to achieve success in the public sphere. This house is linked to how an individual is perceived by the public and their reputation in the world. It reflects the qualities and characteristics they are known for in their professional life. The 10th house pertains to achievements, recognition, and the level of success an individual attains in their chosen field. It reflects their desire for accomplishment and the impact they have on the world. This house is associated with positions of authority, leadership roles, and the ability to influence others. It reflects an individual's capacity for taking charge and assuming responsibilities. The 10th house represents an individual's long-term goals and aspirations. It reflects their drive to succeed and make a mark in their chosen field. This house is concerned with an individual's public life and how they navigate their professional reputation in the world. The 10th house is traditionally ruled by Capricorn, a sign known for its ambition, discipline, and focus on achieving success. Therefore, Capricornian characteristics, such as determination and a strong work ethic, are often associated with matters related to the 10th house. It signifies the culmination of efforts and the potential for recognition and success in the public sphere.
The planets placed in the 10th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's career aspirations, leadership style, and approach to professional life. Understanding the 10th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's career path, their ambitions, and how they present themselves in the public arena. It also provides information about their desire for achievement and recognition in their chosen field.

11th House

House of: Community and Friends

Latin motto: Benefacta (Support)

Ruled by: U Saturn, I Uranus

Related sign: x Aquarius

Represent: friends, hopes, wishes, groups

Rules: hope, trust, confidence, wishes, memberships, deaths in the family, unbonded relationships, liberty, legislation and regulation, friends, advisors, club members, son and daughter-in-laws and legislators

The 11th house represents an individual's friendships, social circles, and associations with groups or organizations. It reflects the quality of relationships with friends and the role of social networks in their life. This house is linked to participation in social causes, community service, and involvement in group activities. It reflects an individual's sense of social responsibility and their desire to contribute to the collective. The 11th house pertains to long-term goals, dreams, and the pursuit of ideals. It reflects an individual's vision for the future and their aspirations for personal and collective progress. This house is associated with networking skills, the ability to form connections, and the capacity to build a supportive social network. It reflects how an individual engages with larger communities. The 11th house represents innovative thinking, originality, and the desire to bring about positive change. It reflects an individual's willingness to think outside the box and contribute fresh ideas. The 11th house is traditionally associated with Aquarius, a sign known for its humanitarian values, innovation, and focus on the collective good. Therefore, Aquarian characteristics, such as a desire for social progress and a forward-thinking approach, are often associated with matters related to the 11th house. It signifies the pursuit of collective goals and the desire to contribute to larger societal or community endeavors. This house is concerned with an individual's ability to form connections and build relationships within various social circles.
The planets placed in the 11th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's approach to friendships, social engagement, and their aspirations for the collective. Understanding the 11th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's social inclinations, their involvement in group activities, and their aspirations for the greater good. It also provides information about their ability to network and build meaningful connections with others.

12th House

House of: Subconscious and Sacrifice

Latin motto: Carcer (Rehabilitation)

Ruled by: Y Jupiter, O Neptune

Related sign: c Pisces

Represent: paying debts of destiny, limitations, institutions for care of unfortunates, jails, secrecy, mysticism

Rules: large animals, sorrow, tribulations, imprisonment, affliction, self-undoing, widowhood, grief, funerals, exile, seclusion, detention, bribery, subversion, the past and yesterday, murder, suicide and kidnapping, uncles and aunts from the mother, witches, secret enemies, those on relief, widows, orphans, jailers, guards, keepers, assassins, kidnappers, informers, nuns, monks, recluses, clandestine associates

The 12th house represents the subconscious mind, dreams, and the hidden aspects of the self. It reflects the deep-seated beliefs, fears, and patterns that influence an individual's behavior. This house is linked to solitude, isolation, and the need for introspection and spiritual reflection. It reflects an individual's inclination towards seeking moments of seclusion and introspective activities. The 12th house pertains to the conclusion of cycles, closure of chapters, and the process of letting go. It reflects an individual's capacity to release attachments and move on from the past. This house is associated with spiritual development, transcendence, and the pursuit of higher consciousness. It reflects an individual's journey towards inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. The 12th house represents hidden talents, strengths, and potential that may not be immediately apparent to others. It also reflects vulnerabilities and areas of sensitivity. The 12th house is traditionally associated with Pisces, a sign known for its deep empathy, intuition, and connection to the spiritual realm. Therefore, Piscean characteristics, such as compassion and a penchant for introspection, are often associated with matters related to the 12th house. It signifies the need for surrendering to higher powers and trusting in the flow of life's experiences, even if they are not immediately understood. Traditionally, the 12th house is also associated with hidden enemies or factors that operate in the background and may challenge an individual's growth and self-realization.
The planets placed in the 12th house and any aspects they make can provide further insights into an individual's subconscious patterns, spiritual inclinations, and areas where they may need to let go and surrender. Understanding the 12th house is valuable for gaining insights into an individual's inner world, their spiritual journey, and their ability to find peace and closure in various aspects of life. It also provides information about their capacity for introspection and their relationship with the subconscious mind.