Planetary Symbols or Glyphs

( Work in progress )

A planetary symbols or glyphs are a graphical symbols used in astrology and astronomy. They we're also used in alchemy to represent the metals associated with the planets and in calendars for their associated days. The earliest forms of these symbols appear in Greek papyrus texts of late antiquity (Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus). Their current forms first appeared in the Renaissance. It's important to mention that scientific explanation of their meaning is right out ridiculous.

Symbols are made up of three basic components: circle, semicircle (crescent) and cross.

Circle - Spirit

A circle is considered as the simplest and most perfect form. It has no beginning and no end, it is complete and all-encompassing. It is self-sufficient and has the ability of self-preservation. The circle demonstrates a continuing whole. It represents eternity, Divine life-force, everlasting Spirit or the Ultimate Reality. It is also a symbol for vitality, wholeness, completion and perfection.

In ancient Greece it was called λόγος (lógos, "word, speech, reason"). In Hinduism it's known as Brahman, which means or imply the highest universal principle, the ultimate reality in the universe - final cause of all that exists. In ancient China it's Tao or Dao (道, "way, path"), which also signifies a principle - the underlying natural order of the Universe.

Semicircle - Soul

A semicircle is a half of a circle. If full circle represents the Spirit, than half of a circle represent its "not complete" reflection. It has two parts, visible and invisible one. If full circle is the ocean, than semicircle is a droplet of that ocean. So semicircle represents the Soul, the immaterial aspect or essence of a being.

In ancient Greece it was called ψυχή (psukhḗ, "soul, breath"). In Latin it's called psychē ("psyche, soul, spirit"). In Hinduism it's known as Ātman, word that refers to the (universal) Self. It comes from the word Atma, a Sanskrit word which refers to "essence, breath".

Cross - Matter

A cross is a geometrical figure consisting of two, usually perpendicular, intersecting lines or bars. With four lines, going from center, it symbolises 4 elements, also 4 cardinal points in a sine wave. So it represents material, concrete, transient, temporal and imperfect. It represents Matter and physical body.

It also illustrates the place where the sky and the earth meet, so in ancient Egypt, it was considered as a sign of the union of masculine and feminine, a source of all creation, of objective and subjective. It was also used as a symbol of consecration, especially pertaining to burial.

X is in Roman numerals also a symbol for 10, and number 10 represents the beginning of a new cycle or rebirth, a higher level of a spiral, sometimes a higher purpose and inner wisdom, which coincides with the shape and meaning of Phoenician letter Tāw (x) and Hebrew Tav (ת), which represents life and resurrection.

There is also an Arrow, which is actually a defective cross, and because it is out of balance, it represents or indicates direction, the direction of energy towards a specific aim or goal.


(circle + dot)

When we look at the sun glyph, we see that it consists of a circle with a dot in the middle. The circle represents the eternal spirit. And just as the sun is the center of our galaxy, the dot represents our center or core energy, our seed of consciousness or self-awareness and our main concerns. Just as the sun is the main source of life energy in our solar system, so it represents our vitality and our life energy.



When we look at the lunar glyph, we see that it consists of a semicircle that represents our soul. The semicircle, as a fragment of the circle, reflects that divinity which is in each individual. The semicircle is because we are not fully enlightened, but what we all long for. Our soul, after all, wants to become part of the whole, part of the spirit.


(circle + semicircle + cross)

Here we have all three elements. On the top is semicircle, in the middle is circle and on the bottom we have cross. It's obviously that this glyph represent something that connects all three planes: spirit (consciousness), soul and matter (physical world). And it is communication, perception, intellect, reason and conveyance of ideas. Information or idea already exists in spirit, we tap there with our soul and take this information or idea into physical world, in form of thoughts, words, deeds.


(circle + cross)

When we look at the glyph for Venus, we see that it consists of a circle and a cross. It connects spirit, which is in perfect harmony, all-pervading, beautiful in it's completeness, and cross of matter, related to measurement. When we look at pristine nature, on first look it may look like chaos, wild and even hostile, but when we look closer, we see nature is always striving for harmony, balance, stability and equilibrium. And which has the right proportions, that is beautiful, that which awakens love, attraction and devotion, resulting in art and creation. And Venus is all about that.


(circle + arrow)

Glyph of Mars is a combination of circle and arrow. Spirit and direction. Spirit is pushing forward through matter in certain direction. That's why it represents energy, courage, to try new things and overcome fears, struggle, desire, tension, battle and similar. Imagine the seed of a plant sprouting and growing towards the surface. It has direction, will and power to penetrate the ground. Similarly, our soul strives for something and with the help of energy, drive and courage reaches new heights and goals. If energy is to intense, it represents aggression and war.


(semicircle + cross)

Glyph of Jupiter is a very interesting one. We have semicircle, which is more like a spiral and uneven cross, lines are prolonged. It illustrates growth, expansion, abundance, optimism, because when we grow or expand through learning and experiences, things become easier and better. Even if something bad happens, there is always a greater good involved. That's why it also represents a teacher. By learning, we grow in every way. We find it easier to solve problems and obstacles that arise. So Jupiter is always positive.


(semicircle + cross)

Here we have semicircle, which is more like a curvy line resembling sickle and cross, which is at the top, above our soul. It simply means we are limited by matter, by limitations and restrictions imposed on us by physical laws, natural laws. That's why it represents structures and authority. It also represents time and the limitations associated with time, discipline, impermanence, age, pessimism and death.


(circle + 2 semicircles + cross)

Here circle is spirit, which is on matter or physical plain divided between two souls. Two semicircles signify duality or different perspectives. So when we travel through life, we are always faced with decisions that make us unique. This explain why Uranus is also symbolizing unpredictability, individualism, eccentricity. Uranus is also unconventional and truth seeker.


(semicircle + cross + 3 arrows)

Neptune's glyph consists of a cross at the bottom, a semicircle in the middle and 3 arrows pointing upwards. It looks like a trident, a very ancient, sacred and powerful symbol that symbolizes power. The trident is the weapon of Poseidon and Shiva's weapon known as trishula. The goddess Kali is sometimes also depicted with a trident. We rise from matter to the upper realms, into the unknown, in several possible directions. That is why Neptune is mystical, it represents imagination, dreams, even delusions. With the arrows facing upwards, it emphasizes the direction of energy towards ideals, and consequently also represents compassion. Trident also acts as a tuning fork, adapting us to the upper realms of existence, attuning us to the spirit.


(circle + semicircle + cross)

Here we have a circle of spirit within the upward semicircle, which represent a receptivity to other worlds and dimensions, and a cross. This glyph is showing us a bridge from our material world to other realities. It's showing us our soul trying to embrace spirit and transform from material to spiritual. It also represent challenge, obsession in some cases, metamorphosis, compulsive behavior and most important power, to make all these transformations and changes possible.


(circle + cross)

Glyph for Earth is very straightforward. We have circle and cross inside. Earth has 4 cardinal directions, 4 main hours of the day, 4 seasons, 4 lunar phases, 4 elements. Earth has just the right everything and can survive and evolve on its own. We can observe her, contemplate on her, learn from her and evolve with her. We should not interfere in the natural processes of Earth. The less we interfere and artificially change the environment, the better for us. Every change we make is a step closer to our own suffering. We came as observers and should stay this way. The Earth will continue its dance long after we are long gone. We have spirit materialized, complete and perfect in its form.

North Node

Glyph for North Node looks like an upside down cup. It's similar to omega (Ω) symbol, last letter of greek alphabet. It's expanding up towards spiritual awakening or self-realization, piercing unknown and unfamiliar. It represents progress, new lessons and experiences.

South Node

Glyph for South Node looks like a cup, holding what we contain already, what is familiar and where we feel safe, our experiences and karmic past. It also means stagnancy, there is no progress.