Empty Houses

In astrology, the concept of "empty houses" refers to houses in a natal chart that do not have any planets placed in them. There are twelve houses in an astrological chart, and each one is associated with specific areas of life and personality traits.

Here's a brief overview:

  • First House (Aries): Represents the self, appearance, personality, and how you project yourself to the world.
  • Second House (Taurus): Governs money, possessions, values, and self-worth.
  • Third House (Gemini): Deals with communication, learning, siblings, and short trips.
  • Fourth House (Cancer): Pertains to home, family, roots, and emotional foundation.
  • Fifth House (Leo): Relates to creativity, romance, children, and self-expression.
  • Sixth House (Virgo): Governs work, health, daily routines, and service to others.
  • Seventh House (Libra): Focuses on partnerships, marriage, and one-on-one relationships.
  • Eighth House (Scorpio): Deals with transformation, shared resources, sexuality, and deep emotions.
  • Ninth House (Sagittarius): Relates to travel, higher education, philosophy, and spirituality.
  • Tenth House (Capricorn): Represents career, ambition, public image, and authority.
  • Eleventh House (Aquarius): Pertains to friendships, groups, social causes, and aspirations.
  • Twelfth House (Pisces): Involves the unconscious mind, spirituality, solitude, and hidden strengths.

When a house is considered "empty" in a natal chart, it means there are no planets located in that specific house at the time of a person's birth. Some astrologers believe that empty houses can indicate areas of life that may not be as prominent or emphasized in a person's life, but this doesn't mean that those areas are completely devoid of influence.

Instead, an empty house can suggest that the energy of that house is not as directly expressed or focused on in the individual's life. However, it's important to remember that astrology is a complex system with many interpretations, and not all astrologers may put the same emphasis on empty houses.

Example 1

1st house is empty and in Virgo and it's ruler Mercury is in 9th house.

Empty 1st House in Virgo:

The 1st house represents a person's self-image, identity and how a person presents himself to the world. With Virgo in the 1st house, the person is likely to function as practical, analytical and detail-oriented. He/she can be very focused on order, precision and cleanliness in his/her personal presentation.

Mercury in the 9th House:

The 9th house is associated with higher education, philosophy, spirituality, and long-distance travel.

He or she possesses a meticulous and analytical nature, which stems from the influence of Virgo on the 1st house. This person pays close attention to detail and approaches life with a systematic mindset. With Mercury situated in the 9th house, there is a strong inclination towards higher education, philosophy, and spiritual exploration. This individual is intellectually curious, seeking to delve into the deeper questions of life and its meaning. Engaging in discussions and sharing philosophical insights brings them joy. Open-mindedness and a thirst for knowledge lead this person to explore various belief systems and cultural perspectives. They are naturally drawn to the broader world, finding inspiration and wisdom in diverse sources. Travel and adventure hold a significant appeal, as indicated by the 9th house's association with exploration. This individual may have a deep-seated desire to experience different cultures, languages, and regions, viewing such experiences as enriching and fulfilling. Given their interest in higher learning and philosophical matters, there is potential for this individual to excel in teaching or mentoring roles. Their ability to convey complex ideas in an understandable manner makes them effective educators. While there is a profound respect for higher knowledge, the practical and discerning influence of Virgo ensures that this person approaches these pursuits with a grounded mindset. They aim to understand the finer details and seek to apply their wisdom in a pragmatic manner.

Example 2

2nd house is empty and in Virgo and it's ruler Mercury is in 9th house.

Empty 2nd House in Virgo:

The 2nd house is associated with finances, possessions, values, and self-worth. With Virgo in the 2nd house, he or she may have a practical and analytical approach to money matters and possessions. This person is likely to be practical and detail-oriented when it comes to managing his or her finances. He or she may pay attention to the finer points and look for ways to maximize resources. This person may find value in having a well-organized financial system and may be meticulous in tracking expenses and managing assets. When it comes to financial decisions, he or she is likely to weigh the pros and cons carefully and may prefer to have all the information before making choices.

Mercury in the 9th House:

Mercury, as the ruler of your 2nd house in Virgo, is located in the 9th house of higher education, philosophy, spirituality, and travel.

He or she tends to approach matters of personal values, finances, and material possessions with a discerning and analytical mindset, in alignment with the influence of Virgo on the 2nd house. This person may have a practical approach to managing resources and may value precision and organization in financial matters. With Mercury positioned in the 9th house, there's a strong inclination towards higher education, philosophy, and spiritual exploration in matters related to personal resources and values. This individual may find that their belief system influences how they handle money and possessions. Open-mindedness and an interest in broader philosophical concepts may shape this person's approach to personal finances. They may be inclined to view wealth and resources in a broader context, seeking to align their financial decisions with their philosophical or spiritual beliefs. The 9th house influence also suggests that this person may find opportunities for financial growth and expansion through higher education, travel, or ventures related to philosophy, religion, or spirituality.

Example 3

6th house is empty and in Libra and it's ruler Venus is in 8th house.

Empty 6th House in Libra:

The 6th house is associated with work, health, daily routines, and service to others. With Libra in the 6th house, he or she seeks balance and harmony in his or her work environment and daily routines. This person may have a strong desire to create harmony in her or his work life and to maintain a balanced approach to his or her health and well-being. This person may possess diplomatic skills that could be valuable in work-related situations. He or she may adept at mediating conflicts and finding solutions that benefit all parties involved. There might be a tendency to appreciate beauty and aesthetics in his or her daily routines and workspaces.

Venus in the 8th House:

Venus, as the ruler of your 6th house in Libra, is located in the 8th house associated with transformation, shared resources, and deep emotions.

He or she tends to approach matters related to health, daily routines, and work with a sense of balance, harmony, and a desire for fairness, reflective of Libra's influence on the 6th house. This person may seek to create a harmonious work environment and values cooperation in their daily tasks. With Venus positioned in the 8th house, there may be an inclination to delve into deeper, more transformative aspects of work, health, and daily routines. This individual may find value in exploring psychological or spiritual dimensions related to their well-being and work life. The influence of Venus in the 8th house may also suggest an interest in areas such as psychology, counseling, or alternative healing methods as they pertain to daily routines and work. While the 6th house is unoccupied, the presence of Venus in the 8th house can indicate a potential for depth and intensity in matters related to health and work. This individual may find that their approach to daily routines is influenced by a desire for deeper connections and transformative experiences.

Example 4

12th house is empty and in Leo and its ruler Sun is in the 9th house.

Empty 12th House in Leo:

The 12th house is associated with the unconscious mind, spirituality, solitude, and hidden strengths. With Leo in the 12th house, there may be a desire for self-expression and recognition even in more private or hidden areas of persons life. He or she may have a subconscious desire for recognition and validation of his or her unique talents and qualities, even if this is not always outwardly expressed. There might be a strong, creative, and expressive aspect to his or her inner world, which may not always be immediately visible to others. He or she might find opportunities to take on leadership roles or express his or her creativity in more private or behind-the-scenes settings.

Sun in the 9th House:

The Sun, as the ruler of your 12th house in Leo, is located in the 9th house associated with higher education, philosophy, spirituality, and travel. Person may have a strong desire to explore and understand the bigger picture, seeking higher knowledge, philosophies, and spiritual truths. His or her quest for truth and meaning in life may be a prominent aspect of his or her identity. He or she is likely to be confident and articulate when expressing his or her philosophical or spiritual beliefs. He or she may enjoy engaging in conversations about different cultures, religions, and worldviews. Given the Sun's association with leadership and the 9th house's link to higher education, he or she may excel in teaching and sharing his or her wisdom with others. This placement indicates a love for travel and a desire to experience different cultures and perspectives. He or she may find inspiration and growth through journeys to foreign lands. His or her sense of self-worth and inner strength may be deeply connected to his or her beliefs, values, and philosophical outlook on life.

He or she tends to approach matters related to the subconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life with a sense of creativity, self-expression, and a desire for personal growth, reflecting Leo's influence on the 12th house. This person may have a natural inclination to shine a light on deeper, more hidden aspects of the self. With the Sun positioned in the 9th house, there may be an inclination to seek higher knowledge, explore philosophical and spiritual concepts, and embark on journeys of self-discovery. This individual may find that their sense of identity is deeply tied to their quest for understanding the broader meaning of life. The influence of the Sun in the 9th house suggests a strong connection between one's sense of self and their philosophical or spiritual beliefs. This person may find that their personal growth and self-expression are closely linked to their pursuit of higher knowledge. While the 12th house is unoccupied, the presence of the Sun in the 9th house indicates a potential for a strong sense of purpose and a desire for meaningful experiences in matters related to spirituality and self-discovery.

Empty House Meaning

Empty 1st house

When the 1st house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with the self, appearance, personality, and how you project yourself to others.
You might be a person who is quite adaptable and flexible in various social situations. You may not feel strongly tied to a specific identity or persona. The absence of planets in the 1st house could indicate a balanced approach to self-expression. You may not tend to extremes in how you present yourself. You may have a rich inner world that is not necessarily immediately visible to others. Your true self might be something you keep more private. You may not be overly concerned with your public image or how others perceive you. You might prioritize authenticity over conforming to societal expectations. With an empty 1st house, other areas of your chart could strongly influence your personality. This could lead to a multifaceted and complex self-identity.
Although the 1st house is empty, it's important to consider the sign that rules your Ascendant, as well as any planets in that sign. This can provide additional insights into how you present yourself to the world.

Empty 2nd house

When the 2nd house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with material possessions and financial matters.
You may have a diverse approach to handling your finances. You might not have a rigid or fixed attitude towards money matters. Your values and priorities may not be strongly influenced or defined by any particular planetary energy. You might be open to exploring different value systems. You may not be overly attached to material possessions and may have a more detached attitude towards them. Instead of placing a heavy emphasis on external assets, you might place more importance on your inner qualities and personal worth. An empty 2nd house does not necessarily mean financial difficulties. It might indicate that financial matters are not the primary focus, but it doesn't imply financial hardship.
Even though the 2nd house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to money and possessions.

Empty 3rd house

When the 3rd house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with communication and immediate environment.
You may have a flexible and adaptable approach to communication. You might be comfortable in various modes of expression. Your learning style may not be strongly influenced by any particular planetary energy. You may have an independent and self-motivated approach to learning. Your relationship with siblings and close relatives may not be a major focal point in your life, but it doesn't mean you don't value them. You might not be overly concerned with your immediate surroundings. You may have a broader perspective that extends beyond your immediate vicinity. With an empty 3rd house, other areas of your chart could strongly influence your intellectual pursuits. This could lead to a wide range of interests.
Even though the 3rd house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your communication style and learning preferences.

Empty 4th house

When the 4th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with your home and family life.
You may have a sense of independence and autonomy when it comes to matters related to your home and family. Your sense of security and emotional fulfillment may not be strongly tied to your immediate family or physical home, but could be more focused on external achievements. Your concept of "home" might be expansive and not necessarily confined to a physical location. It could involve a sense of belonging to a community or a larger group. Your emotional foundation might be built on experiences and influences outside of your immediate family. This could include friends, mentors, or other sources of support. An empty 4th house doesn't necessarily imply a lack of emotional depth or connection. You might have opportunities for deep emotional growth through experiences in other areas of your life.
Even though the 4th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your sense of security and emotional well-being.

Empty 5th house

When the 5th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with creativity, romantic pursuits, and children.
You may have a wide range of creative interests and talents. Your creative expression might not be strongly influenced by any particular planetary energy. Your approach to romantic relationships may be versatile and adaptable. You might not have a rigid or fixed idea of what romance should be. While this doesn't mean you won't have children or won't be involved with them, it may suggest that your focus is not primarily on this area of life. Your self-expression may find outlets in other areas of your chart or through different creative pursuits. With an empty 5th house, you may have a natural inclination for spontaneity and playfulness in your approach to life.
Even though the 5th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to creativity, romance, and self-expression.

Empty 6th house

When the 6th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with work, health, and daily routines.
You may have a flexible and adaptable approach to your work and daily routines. You might be comfortable with changes and transitions. Your approach to health and wellness may be independent and self-motivated. You might not rely heavily on external influences to maintain your well-being. While less emphasis on service roles doesn't mean you won't engage in service-oriented roles, it may suggest that it's not the primary focus of your life. The absence of planets in the 6th house could indicate a balanced approach to work and personal life. You may not tend to extremes in your dedication to your career. With an empty 6th house, other areas of your chart could strongly influence your career interests. This could lead to a diverse range of potential professions.
Even though the 6th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to work, health, and daily routines.

Empty 7th house

When the 7th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with intimate relationships and partnerships.
You may have a strong sense of independence in your approach to relationships. You might value your own autonomy and freedom. Your approach to partnerships may be adaptable and versatile. You might not have a rigid or fixed idea of what a relationship should be. While this doesn't mean you won't get married or be in committed partnerships, it may suggest that this area of life is not the primary focus for you. You may be more focused on your own personal growth and development rather than seeking completion or validation through relationships. With an empty 7th house, other areas of your chart could strongly influence your approach to relationships. This could lead to a wide range of experiences in this area of life.
Even though the 7th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to partnerships and relationships.

Empty 8th house

When the 8th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with deep transformation, shared resources, and intense emotions.
Your path of personal transformation and growth may not be overtly influenced by any particular planetary energy. You might experience transformation in your own unique way. You may have a self-reliant approach to handling shared resources and financial matters. You might not rely heavily on external sources. The absence of planets in the 8th house could suggest a balanced approach to intimacy and deep emotional connections. You may not tend to extremes in your relationships. While this doesn't mean you won't delve into deeper and more complex subjects, it may suggest that these areas are not the primary focus of your life. An empty 8th house doesn't mean you lack emotional depth or resilience. Instead, you may develop these qualities in your own way.
Even though the 8th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to transformation, shared resources, and deep emotions.

Empty 9th house

When the 9th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with travel, higher learning, and philosophical or spiritual pursuits.
You may have a wide range of philosophical and spiritual interests. Your beliefs and worldview might not be strongly influenced by any particular planetary energy. Your approach to higher education and learning may be versatile and adaptable. You might not have a rigid or fixed idea of what constitutes "higher knowledge". Your spiritual journey and exploration may be guided by your own inner compass rather than external influences. With an empty 9th house, you may develop a broad and expansive perspective on life and the world around you. The absence of planets in the 9th house could suggest a balanced approach to travel. You may not tend to extremes in your travel preferences.
Even though the 9th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to philosophy, spirituality, and higher education.

Empty 10th house

When the 10th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with career and public life.
You may have a wide range of interests when it comes to your career. Your professional path might not be strongly influenced by any particular planetary energy. Your sense of ambition and drive for success may be independent and self-motivated. You might not rely heavily on external validation or authority figures. The absence of planets in the 10th house could suggest a balanced approach to your public image. You may not tend to extremes in how you present yourself to the world. While less emphasis on traditional career paths doesn't mean you won't have a successful career, it may suggest that you have the potential to forge your own unique path. An empty 10th house doesn't mean you lack leadership qualities. You may develop these qualities in your own way.
Even though the 10th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to career, ambition, and public image.

Empty 11th house

When the 11th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with friendships, group activities, and social causes.
You may have a wide range of interests and connections in your social circle. Your friendships and associations might not be strongly influenced by any particular planetary energy. Your involvement in social causes and group activities may be driven by your own values and beliefs. You might not conform to specific group norms. While less emphasis on group affiliations doesn't mean you won't be involved in group activities or have strong social ties, it may suggest that this area of life is not the primary focus for you. You may have unique and individualistic aspirations and goals that are not necessarily aligned with mainstream or conventional paths. An empty 11th house doesn't mean you won't play a leadership role in groups. Your contributions may be distinctive and impactful.
Even though the 11th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to friendships, group dynamics, and social causes.

Empty 12th house

When the 12th house is empty, it suggests that the energy and focus of your chart are not heavily concentrated in the areas associated with the subconscious, spiritual pursuits, and hidden strengths.
You may have a unique opportunity for inner growth and spiritual development. Your spiritual journey might not be strongly influenced by any particular planetary energy. Your need for solitude and reflection may be guided by your own inner compass rather than external circumstances or influences. The absence of planets in the 12th house could suggest a balanced relationship with your subconscious mind. You may not tend to extremes in your exploration of the hidden realms of the psyche. An empty 12th house doesn't mean you lack hidden strengths. You may discover and tap into these strengths in your own unique way. An empty 12th house can sometimes indicate an individual with a strong sense of empathy and compassion, as the 12th house is associated with collective emotions and suffering.
Even though the 12th house is empty, the sign that rules this house and any aspects made by its ruling planet can provide further insights into your approach to spirituality, the unconscious, and solitude.