Aspects in Astrology

( Work in progress )

What are aspects in Astrology?

In astrology, an aspect is an angle the planets make to each other in the horoscope. These in turn work together to form a relationship with each other, with other words, planets in aspect combine and interchange energies. They are measured by the angular distance in degrees and minutes of ecliptic longitude between two points. They can manifest in a few different ways.

In your natal chart aspects can show you areas of your life that might have a natural harmony or discord and tension. In synastry chart aspects can show you, where you are in harmony or in discord with your partner.

There are 5 major aspects, also called the Ptolemaic aspects, and many minor aspects, 46 in total. Here, we will overview 11 most common and important, major and minor aspects also called Kepler's Aspects (without Decile and Tridecile).

q Conjunction


Keywords: emphasis, prominence

Influence: major, depends

Degree of Influentiality: 1/5

Fraction: 0/2

Regular polygon: Monogon

Conjunction is formed when two separate points are approx. 0° apart (+/- deviation), with other words, they are united or blended. It means they act together. Conjunction combine and blend the characteristics of the planets' energies. The closer they are, more powerful is the aspect. The conjunction takes a harmonious or challenging influence. Or it can be neutral.

Conjunctions are said to be the most powerful aspect, mutually intensifying the effects of the planets involved; they are major point in an individual's chart. Whether the conjunction in question is regarded as beneficial or detrimental depends on the specific planets involved. In particular, conjunctions involving the Sun, Venus, and/or Jupiter, in any of the three possible conjunction combinations, are considered highly favourable, while conjunctions involving the Moon, Mars, and/or Saturn, again in any of the three possible conjunction combinations, are considered highly unfavourable.

A planet in very close conjunction to the Sun (within 17 minutes of arc, or only about 0.28°) is said to be cazimi, an ancient astrological term meaning "in the heart" (of the Sun). Such a planetary position is a conjunction of great strength. A related term is combust, applicable when the planet in conjunction with the Sun is only moderately close to the Sun. In the case of combust, specific orb limit will depend on the particular planet in conjunction with the Sun.

In Synastry, this aspect brings two like forms of planetary energy together, amplifying the effect on each. The conjunction is the most powerful aspect in synastry and can produce either harmony or discord depending on the planets involved. Too many conjunctions between two birth charts can create tension because the people involved are too similar.

w Opposition

Angle: 180°

Keywords: awareness, separation

Influence: major, challenging

Degree of Influentiality: 1/5

Fraction: 1/2

Regular polygon: Digon

Oppositions are said to be the second most powerful aspect. Opposition is formed when two separate points are approx. 180° apart (+/- deviation). Involved planets are creating tension because they're in contradiction with each other, always competing. This aspects is considered challenging, but it also means growth, it allow us to evolve. Outside ourselves, in out environment it mirrors our internal struggles. So often, when we're bothered with something or someone, we have issues we have to resolve in ourselves. This may mean inner discontent, uncertainty or some other insecurities. It forces us to be aware of ourselves.

In Synastry, the affect of this aspect is deep and powerful, and sometimes destabilizing. With this aspect, the reverse images of the same energy are brought into contact. This aspect can be likened to a mirror image and creates a strong magnetism. While the attraction accompanied by the aspect may be strong, the interaction is challenging.

r Square/Quartile

Angle: 90°

Keywords: challenge, obstacles

Influence: major, challenging

Degree of Influentiality: 2/5

Fraction: 1/4

Regular polygon: Square

Square is formed when two separate points are approx. 90° apart (+/- deviation). It is challenging because it creates tension. Planets involved are in constant conflict. It bring a lot of obstacles on our path. But this also means it's stimulative. It empower you to overcome problems and difficulties in life, if force you to learn your lessons and grow. Squares are often stronger when we're younger, when we age and learn, their effect is lesser.

In Synastry, the square tends to create stress and tension. Although this aspect generates a compelling and exciting response, it can be challenging. Depending on the planets involved, there may be a strong urge to dominate each other. Too many square aspects between two charts tend to amplify the negative qualities in each person.

e Trine/Bisextile

Angle: 120°

Keywords: flow, luck

Influence: major, harmonious

Degree of Influentiality: 3/5

Fraction: 1/3

Regular polygon: Triangle

Trine is formed when two separate points are approx. 120° apart (+/- deviation). It is harmonious, planets involved support each other and create a feeling of well-being and easiness. It is an aspect of good luck and psychological comfort. Trines are by nature accepting, so it's easier for us to accept others, ourselves and situations. But sometimes, it favours self-indulgence and passivity. That's the reason, it's also called a lazy aspect or aspect of laziness. Those talents are so natural to us, so hidden, that often we don't even notice them.

In Synastry, this is the most positive aspect. The trine creates compatibility and a harmonious blending. Despite the clear compatibility of this aspect, it contains the risk of boredom and repetition in the relationship. The two energies blend together so easily that the relationship may be lacking the passion or urgency accompanied by other, more challenging aspects.

t Sextile/Semitrine

Angle: 60°

Keywords: opportunity

Influence: major, harmonious

Degree of Influentiality: 3/5

Fraction: 1/6

Regular polygon: Hexagon

Sextile is formed when two separate points are approx. 60° apart (+/- deviation). This aspect is very harmonious, expressed more outwardly. It shows you where are your known talents and where is your potential for growth. It is communicative and relationship-friendly aspect. Planets in this aspect, harmoniously and actively exchange their energies.

In Synastry, the sextile creates a harmonious blending of planetary energies and a lasting bond between two people. This aspect is similar to the trine, however, it tends to be more stimulating because the two signs involved are in different elements.

i Semisextile/Duodecile

Angle: 30°

Keywords: growth

Influence: minor, depends

Degree of Influentiality: 3/5

Fraction: 1/12

Regular polygon: Dodecagon

o Inconjunct/Quincunx

Angle: 150°

Keywords: adjustment, expansion

Influence: minor, challenging

Degree of Influentiality: 4/5

Fraction: 5/12

Regular polygon: Dodecagram

In Synastry, the energies between two planets, which are in Inconjunction or Quincunx, do not blend easily and tend to create a dramatic effect. This aspect is stimulating, however, and produces a competitive spirit between the two people involved. In its extreme, this aspect causes rivalry and arguments about petty and trivial matters.

[ Quintile

Angle: 72°

Keywords: /

Influence: minor, harmonious

Degree of Influentiality: 4/5

Fraction: 1/5

Regular polygon: Pentagon

It indicates a strong creative flow of energy between the planets involved, often an opportunity for something performative, entertaining or expressive.

] Biquintile

Angle: 144°

Keywords: /

Influence: minor, harmonious

Degree of Influentiality: 4/5

Fraction: 2/5

Regular polygon: Pentagram

y Semisquare/Octile

Angle: 45°

Keywords: /

Influence: minor, challenging

Degree of Influentiality: 5/5

Fraction: 1/8

Regular polygon: Octagon

u Sesquiquadrate/Trioctile

Angle: 135°

Keywords: /

Influence: minor, harmonious

Degree of Influentiality: 5/5

Fraction: 3/8

Regular polygon: Octagram

It is a harmonic of the semi-square, part of the square family aspect involving challenge. It does not function as a standalone aspect but as part of a series when a semi-square is present.